Message from Randy McDonald, about the rescheduled State JOAD Tournament.
I have been working on getting state shoot rescheduled and what I came up with is having he shoot at Crowfoot Sportsmen’s Club 4997 Crowfoot Road Murrysville Pa.15668. The date is Saturday May 23 & Sunday May 24 2020. I tried to have it at Lancaster Archery but they could not fit the shoot in until some time in the fall.Attached is the list of archers that have already sent in there registration forms so they will have first choice if they are going to shoot or not and after I get answers from them I will open it up for others to shoot if I have room on that time because of the way it is set up. The first day Juniors and female cadet recurves will shoot at 9am / the rest of the cadets will shoot at 2pm. The second day cubs will shoot at 9am and bowman will shoot at 2pm. The reason for the long time is that I will have the Olympic round after each line and the age class awards and Olympic round awards will be handed out.
Each archer will receive tickets for the auction table when they get there and all the tickets will pulled on the 2pm sunday line.
So please send this out to all of your archers so they can get back to me if they are coming. I will send out refunds the ones that can not make it.
Thanks Randy Mcdonald
Please contact Randy at this email address to let him know if you will attend, or how to handle your refund: