Holiday Party and Many Reminders

This Saturday (Dec. 18th) we will have our annual Holiday Party during practice. Archers are invited to bring a treat (side dish or dessert, or whatever you want) to share. JOAD will provide a sandwich ring and drinks. We’ll do a little practice and then play archery games!

We will NOT have practice the following Saturday, which will be December 25th. We WILL have a special practice on Monday, December 27th beginning at 6 PM. It’s okay if you can’t make it, but for those who can, we will focus on getting ready for the start of tournaments the next weekend. After this date, all practices will be on Mondays at 6.

Archers who are going to miss a practice need to let us know. Please email Laura at if you will not be at practice.

Tournament invitations are coming in! We’ve already sent a request to Beaver Valley. If you are have not made choices on the Tournament Signup Page, then we have not requested a line for you. Wendi will be handling the tournament requests, so should email her at if you are making changes to your requested times.

All archers who are shooting in tournaments need to have a CURRENT membership with USA Archery. Some clubs will not register an archer without a USAA number. Please go to to set up your “Youth All-Access” membership.

All JOAD member are required to be current members of the Falcon Archers by January. Since there were zero new Falcon members at the December meeting last week, we will assume that all new or lapsed members will be at the next meeting, January 12th at 7:00.