Jobs and Food for the Falcon’s Tournament

Sign-up sheets are now posted for jobs and food donations for the Falcon Archers JOAD Tournament, Jan 18-20.  As a reminder, all families are required to work one of the volunteer slots during our tournament, and to donate one food item for each archer.  Extra work or donations are definitely appreciated!

The signup pages are accessible from the “Signups” tab on the website, or directly from these links:

Sign up for Falcon JOAD Tournament Jobs   Please note that some spots are intended for our archers (the 50/50), and some for coaches.

Sign up for Food Donations

Our JOAD Tournament is the main fundraiser for our JOAD program, and we need everyone to pitch in.  Thank you in advance for helping to make it a success!

Upcoming Events

The Falcon JOAD Christmas Party will be on December 15th.  We will not do the normal kitchen donations that day — instead, JOAD will provide a sandwich ring, and everyone is invited to bring a treat to share.  Cookies, cupcakes, buffalo dip — whatever you’d like to bring.
There is a mini workday THIS SUNDAY, December 2nd at noon.  Some members will be restuffing the bales, but we also need to glue up a bunch of 40 cm single spot targets.  Since JOAD is probably the biggest consumer of those targets, it would be appropriate if we showed up to help.  Wear old clothes!  If you have some old latex paint to use as the glue, bring it along.  SUNDAY at NOON!

Falcon JOAD Shirts Available

We are ordering new Falcon JOAD shirts for this year, and wanted to give parents an opportunity to buy extras (for themselves or for their archers)  The shirts are a Sport-Tek Contrast Performance Polo in black and gray.  They will look like this:

Shirts cost $32 each, adult sizes XS through XL.  For 2X, 3X, or 4X, add $2.50, $3.50, or $4.50 respectively.

Remember that each archer will be receiving one shirt.  If you want an extra, you MUST have the size and payment turned in THIS SATURDAY by the end of practice.

Gold-n-Grain Line Times

The line times for Gold-n-Grain are now posted.  You can reach them from the website (Look for the “Assigned Line Times” link in the side bar), or directly from this Assigned Line Times Link.  Keep that handy — all times will be posted on that SAME LINK as they are received.

There WILL be practice this weekend (November 24th) and on every Saturday in December.  If you can’t make it, just be sure to  notify Cathy Brown via email –

Have a friend who is curious about your archery interests?  Consider inviting them to the Falcon’s Intro To Archery class, the first Friday of every month at 7:00 PM.  The next one will be held on December 7th.  Equipment and training are provided, and they get 2 hours of shooting time for $10!  (You can come along and show off, if you want).

Orientation and Equipment Fit this Saturday

New Archer Orientation Saturday Oct 27th:
  • We are holding the new archer orientation meeting Saturday October 27th at 10AM at the Falcon club.  We will discuss program details, and fit any new archer that does not have equipment for their first season.  It should last about 1 to 1.5 hours.
Archer Equipment Fit
  • Returning archers should check their equipment for fit.  Does your compound need a longer draw length?  Is your recurve too wimpy now?  Should you move your clicker?  Are your arrows too short?
  • If you have any questions or would like some help. then come to the club on Saturday October 27th at 11:30AM.  We will have coaches available to help get your equipment fit.
  • Please don’t wait until the first practice day to find out your gear doesn’t fit!
Mandatory Weekly Practice Times:

  • First Practice for ALL Archers Sat. Nov. 3rd.  Arrive and equipment setup 8:30AM.
  • Be READY to shoot at 9 AM.  If there are any announcements or awards to present, we will do this at 9 AM (sharp). I don’t want any archers showing up during Announcements and assembling their equipment.  It is a distraction!
  • Set up equipment in the shooting area and then store your case up in the meeting area in the shelving provided.  This will lessen the clutter on tables.
  • Practices Nov. thru Dec. Saturdays 8:30 AM to approx. 1 PM
  • Practices Jan. thru Mid March will move to Monday evening from 6 to 8 PM.
  • 3 unexcused absences from practices and/or tournaments can result in forfeit of your Falcon JOAD membership for that season.
  • If you need to miss practice and wish to have an excused absence, please notify Cathy Brown via email –

Outdoor Season — EAA and JOAD Shoot

Who’s ready for some outdoor shooting?  Coach Steve will be leading the outdoor JOAD training, which will be held on Wednesday evenings starting on May 2nd.  Sessions will begin at 5:00, and shooting will end at dusk. When the weather doesn’t allow for outdoor shooting, practice will be held indoors. Please dress appropriately each week for either indoor or outdoor shooting. Please remember to pay your $1 range fee for each practice.

 We understand that some families may need to arrive late and some may need to leave early. This is not a problem, we only ask that you do so with as little disruption to the other shooters as possible. Details about how to safely enter and exit the outdoor FITA range will be covered, and reviewed, at the first couple of practices (it’s easy).
The focus of this training will be to get archers ready for the 139th Eastern Archery Assoc. and JOAD State Outdoor shoot, which will be held the weekend of June 29th at Gold-n-Grain.  JOAD competitions are on Friday, while the EAA youth and adult competitions are on Saturday and Sunday. See these links for more details.

Registration Form

Event Details

Schedule for JOAD shooting on Friday, June 29, 2018 :

    8:30 am

  • PA State JOAD Championship
    • Compound 
      • Jr & Cadet    50 Meters
      • Cub              30 Meters
      • Bowman       25 Meters
    • Recurve
      • Junior           70 Meters
      • Cadet           60 Meters
      • Cub              50 Meters
      • Bowman      30 Meters
    • Elimination Round after Lunch Break

3:30 pm

  •  600 Round   Distances: 60, 50, 40 yards

Also, there will be a 900 round August 18 in Sugar Creek Ohio (approx. a 2 hour drive).  Registration forms and further info at

Shooter of the Year

Western Pennsylvania’s top JOAD archers gathered at Cabin Fever Archery this past Saturday for Shooter of the Year 2018.  Representing Falcon Archers were six of our best recurve archers.

In the first round of shooting, Emily and Michael enjoyed their bye, Seth and Cassie both advanced with a win, and sick-but-still-game Rhianna was eliminated.  Tommy’s match went down to a one-arrow shoot-off, but he also got eliminated by fractions of an inch.

In the second round, Cassie and Emily were both defeated.  Seth and Michael shot against each other, and this match also was decided with a one-arrow shoot-off, with Seth emerging victorious.

The finals are the real test of nerves, with two archers on the stage listening to a shot-by-shot call of their arrows.Seth kept his poise throughout, and finally won the tournament with a beautiful 10 – 10 – 9 end (shown below!).

Your 2018 Western PA JOAD Recurve Shooters of the Year:

Seth Butler, Jarrett Pilgrim, Emma Gruver and Emma Brunger.


Shooter-of-the-Year Qualifiers Announced

The  2017-2018 Western PA JOAD Shooter of the Year Qualifiers have been announced, and these Falcon Archers have been invited:

  • Cassandra Chappo
  • Emily Kamp
  • Rhianna Browell
  • Tommy Morneweck
  • Michael Liccardello
  • Seth Butler

The full standings sheet has been updated and you can find it under the Current Year Info (or directly from this link).  The Shoot will be Saturday March 24, 2018 and will start promptly at 10 am.  There are 48 Shooter and only 38 lanes, so there will be a schedule to divide up the practice lines (which may delay your actual start time).