Tournament Tips

We will go over these things during one of the practices, but for those shooting this weekend, it would be a good idea to review these items now.

Things to Remember for Tournaments:

  1. Wear khaki pants and your team shirt. If you run into an “emergency”, you can come dressed differently, just be sure to not wear jeans or camo.
  2. Arrive 30-45 minutes prior to shooting time.
    • you need time to check-in, put equipment together, & listen to announcements (announcements are typically 5-10 minutes prior to start of shooting)
  3. Come prepared
    • be sure you have all of your equipment and enough arrows (in your quiver, not your case)
      • 3 arrows are shot at a time, but you need to have extras in case of damage to, or loss of, vanes or nocks (4 is a minimum & 6 or more is best)
      • ALL of an archer’s arrows MUST match and have their initials on the shafts!!!
    • keep a pencil in your quiver!!!
  4. Upon arrival, check in at the registration desk and put your equipment together.
    • you are to verify your merit class, age class, equipment, gender, target type/size
    • sometimes merit classes change often. if you jumped ANYTIME before the tournament (including at the last tournament) be sure to correct it at check-in
    • if you are given your scorecard at the registration desk, you are to place it at the target
  5. Scoring:
    • NEVER mark or touch arrows before they are ALL called and recorded!!!
    • no less than 3 archers may score together, typical group size is 4 archers
    • double scoring is always used
    • archers decide who calls, who scores, and who observes
    • do NOT copy scores! i.e. – scorekeepers must do their own addition
    • check scores after every end, before arrows are pulled (even if the other scorekeeper doesn’t want to do this, it is very important and a rule – insist on doing it)
  6. Line etiquette:
    • step to the line within the allotted time (10 seconds)
    • if you are late to the line, do not step to line if archer facing you is at full draw
    • take care not to bump those around you on the line
    • do NOT leave the line if a shooter immediately on either side of you is at full draw
  7. Verbal communication and coaching on the line is NOT permitted.
    Communication must occur behind the wait line while your line is not shooting.
  8. If you are unable to shoot an arrow/end due to an equipment issue, notify a coach and/or line judge. (a line judge MUST be told – a coach can do this for you – BEFORE you miss your time to shoot) If you are on the line, raise your hand to indicate a problem. The line judge will let you know to step off the line and seek help.
  9. At completion of shooting, give both scorecards to the host club’s representative. They will return one of them to you.  Keep it for your records, but we will receive the scores from the host club in a few days.
  10. Any questions or problems, ask a coach or line judge.

X_Fever Pot Shoot

Here is an interesting opportunity for some additional shooting.  X-Fever Archery is holding a “Pot Shoot” in conjunction with their JOAD tournament in December.  JOAD, non-JOAD, and adult shooters are all eligible to participate.  See this flyer for more details.  The Pot Shoot will be on Sunday afternoon, December 10th.

Tournament Signup

The tournament signup page for 2018 is now OPEN!  You can see it in the “Current Year Info” tab on the website.

There is one small change from last year.  Rather than typing on your time slot preference, you will see all the line times are now listed.  Just mark your preferences 1, 2, 3, and 4.  Like this:

You can mark less than 4 choices if there are some that just don’t work. Like in the sample above, I’ve only marked 3 choices.

The signup form is an open Google Doc, so edit just the line with your archer’s name.  And please don’t email out the link if you can help it.

New Archer Orientation and Equipment Fit

New Archer Orientation Saturday Oct 28th:
  • I would like to have a new archer orientation meeting Saturday October 28th at 11AM at the Falcon club.  We will discuss program details, and fit any new archer that does not have equipment for the 1st season.  It should last about 1 to 1.5 hours.
  • We will discuss range safety, program basics, practice times, clothing, parent and archer responsibilities and any questions you may have about the program in general.
  • Falcon and USAA archery membership discussion
  • If your archer has any equipment, please bring it to the orientation so our coaches can evaluate it prior to our first formal practice.
Archer Equipment Fit
  • Returning archers should check their equipment for fit.  Does your compound need a longer draw length?  Is your recurve too wimpy now?  Should you move your clicker?  Are your arrows too short?
  • If you have any questions or would like some help. then come to the club on Saturday October 28th at 12:30AM.  We will have coaches available to help get your equipment fit.
  • Please don’t wait until the first practice day to find out your gear doesn’t fit!!