Tournament Reminders

by Coach_Jeff

Time for our yearly update on tournament requirements and etiquette!  Good luck to all our archers this weekend at Beaver Valley Archers.

Things to Remember for Tournaments:

  1. Wear black pants and your team shirt. If you run into an “emergency”, you can come dressed differently, just be sure to not wear camo or old jeans.
  2. Arrive 30-45 minutes prior to shooting time.
    • You need time to check-in, put equipment together, & listen to announcements (announcements are typically 5-10 minutes prior to start of shooting).
  3. Come prepared
    • Be sure you have all of your equipment and enough arrows (in your quiver, not your case).
      • 3 arrows are shot at a time, but you need to have extras in case of damage to, or loss of, vanes or nocks (4 arrows is a minimum; 6 or more is best).
      • ALL of an archer’s arrows MUST match and have their initials on the shafts!
    • Keep a pencil in your quiver!
  4. Upon arrival, check in at the registration desk and put your equipment together.
    • You are to verify your merit class, age class, equipment, gender, target type/size.
    • Sometimes merit classes change often. If you jumped ANYTIME before the tournament (including at the last tournament) be sure to correct it at check-in.
    • If you are given your scorecard at the registration desk, you are to place it at the target.
  5. Scoring:
    • NEVER mark or touch arrows or the target before they are ALL called and recorded!
    • No less than 3 archers may score together, typical group size is 4 archers.
    • Double scoring is always used.
    • Archers decide who calls, who scores, and who observes.
    • Make sure everyone is clear on whether each archer is scoring inner or outer 10 rings.
    • Do NOT copy scores! i.e. – scorekeepers must do their own addition.
    • Check scores after every end, before arrows are pulled (even if the other scorekeeper doesn’t want to do this, it is very important, and is a rule – insist on doing it).
    • Mark your arrows!
  6. Line etiquette:
    • Step to the line within the allotted time (10 seconds)/
    • If you are late to the line, do not step to line if archer facing you is at full draw.
    • Take care not to bump those around you on the line.
    • Do NOT leave the line if a shooter immediately on either side of you is at full draw.
  7. Verbal communication and coaching on the line is NOT permitted.
    Communication must occur behind the wait line while your line is not shooting.
  8. If you are unable to shoot an arrow/end due to an equipment issue, notify a coach and/or line judge. (A line judge MUST be told – a coach can do this for you – BEFORE you miss your time to shoot).  If you are on the line, raise your hand to indicate a problem. The line judge will let you know to step off the line and seek help.
  9. At completion of shooting, give both scorecards to the host club’s representative. They will return one of them to you.  Keep it for your records, but we will receive the scores from the host club in a few days.
  10. Any questions or problems, ask a coach or line judge.

Falcon JOAD Tournament

The tournament hosted by Falcon JOAD is scheduled for the weekend of January 17, 18, and 19. Our Falcon archers will shoot on Friday night (Jan 17th) at 6:30. We will have pizza at the club so they can eat before they shoot. Please do your best to be at the club by 6:00 so we can begin on time.

All archers need to bring a food donation for the shoot. The signup sheet for food donations is linked here (or you can get to it from the “Signups” tab in the Website.) Remember if you have two archers, please sign up for two items.

The signup sheet for Tournament Jobs is linked here (or you can get it from the “Current Year” tab in the Website). Choose a box and enter your name. The “50/50 tickets” job is for YOUTH members, aka the archers. All families are required to have at least one person work one of the other jobs on the sheet.

Holiday Party Dec. 21st

Our annual JOAD Holiday Party will be on December 21st. Here’s what you want to know!

  • Practice will start at 9:00 as usual (so be there at 8:30 to set up your gear)
  • After a few ends of practice, we’ll have some outrageously fun archery games!
  • Kitchen items will be FREE, and everyone is encouraged to bring something to share. JOAD is buying the drinks.
  • Use the Kitchen Signups page to let others know what you will bring. That way we don’t end up with 24 fruitcakes.

Outdoor JOAD

JOAD shooters are invited to begin outdoor training this spring, Mondays starting on April 29th. Practices will begin at 5:30, and shooting will end at dusk. When the weather doesn’t allow for outdoor shooting, practice will be held indoors. Please dress appropriately each week for either indoor or outdoor shooting. Please remember to pay your $1 range fee for each practice. 

We understand that some families may need to arrive late and some may need to leave early. This is not a problem, we only ask that you do so with as little disruption to the other shooters as possible. Details about how to safely enter and exit the outdoor FITA range will be covered, and reviewed, at the first couple of practices (it’s easy).The focus of this training will be to get archers ready for the 140th Eastern Archery Assoc. and JOAD State Outdoor shoot, which will be held the weekend of June 28th at Gold-n-Grain.  JOAD competitions are on Friday, while the EAA youth and adult competitions are on Saturday and Sunday. See these links for more details.

Registration Form

Event Details


Friday, June 28, 2019     8:30am

PA State JOAD Championship

  • Compound
    • Jr & Cadet              50 Meters
    • Cub                      30 Meters         
    • Bowman                 25 Meters
  • Recurve – 
    • Junior                     70 Meters
    • Cadet                      60 Meters      
    • Cub                     50 Meters
    • Bowman                 30 Meters

Elimination Round after Lunch Break

 600 Round 3:30pm   Distances: 60, 50, 40 yards

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Official Practice @  8:45am, Official Scoring @  9:15am

  • Junior/Senior Men                            90 & 70 Meters
  • Senior Women/Cadet Men
  • Junior Women/Barebow                70 & 60 Meters
  • Master Men                                       70 & 60 Meters
  • Master Women/Cadet women       60 & 50 Meters
  • Cub Men/Women                             50 & 40 Meters
  • Bowman Men/Women                    30 & 25 Meters

Hill Fontaine, Clout, & Arrow Chucking (Immediately following the above rounds)

Campfire                                              6:30pm-???

Corn Hole Championship              6:30pm

Bring your chair, a snack, side dish, and beverage; meat will be provided

Sunday, June 30, 2019

               Official Practice @ 9:00am,   Official Scoring @ 9:30am

  • Junior/Senior/Men/Women           
  • Cadet & Master Men/Barebow      50 & 30 Meters
  • Master/Cadet Women                      40 & 30 Meters
  • Cub Men/Women                              30 & 20 Meters
  • Bowman Men/Women                     25 & 20 Meters

Shooter of the Year Update

Congratulations to Emily Kamp, the 2019 Shooter of the Year in the Female Recurve Junior/Cadet division!

It was a great day of shooting, with a fine showing by the Falcon Archers. A special shout-out to Emma O’Hair for defeating the #1 seed archer in the Female Compound Junior/Cadet division and making it into the finals.

Shooter of the Year Qualifiers

The results from the final two shoots have been released, and you can access them here:

Which means that the calculations are complete for the Shooter of the Year qualifications. These are the SOY invitees from Falcon Archers:

  • Emily Kamp
  • Rhianna Browell
  • Jenna Warren
  • Elijah Jones
  • Michael Licciardello
  • Faye Conrad
  • Tommy Morneweck
  • Gryffyn Jones
  • Emma O’Hair
  • Noah Hrelec

The finals will be held at Bill’s Archery Center on March 23rd. I will send out detailed information when we receive it. Congratulations to our great qualifiers! The full Shooter of the Year spreadsheet is available from this link.